My Two Sons

Two weekends ago we took the boys to the zoo. It was a great day and we are seeing glimpses of the two of them beginning to bond. This picture epitomizes them in a way that I cannot truly express in words. I've printed it, put in on my iPhone, posted on my Facebook page, and now a blog entry here. I can't stop looking at it. These two remarkable and dynamic kids are my sons. Wow, to think my father was at this same moment in my own life 30 years ago.
The reading time, playing "star wars" or being the "drum" and "horsie" for them is something I cannot deny and revel in daily. Last night, I would have much preferred to watch football, but to have them there running about... how can you not get into it?!
Perhaps my shoes have been too tight, or my heart's been on the small size this year, but here's to letting that heart grow three sizes and carving the roast beast! I love my two sons.