The Hills of Aviara

Upon checking in, I inquired about running routes, something I do at every hotel I stay at. I was impressed by the pre-printed sheet the person at the front desk handed me. It was clear and easy to carry along while I ran. It also laid out a 1.5, 3, and 6 mile run.
Being who I am, I chose the 6 miler. I was advised to ask the valet out front when I left as to which direction to head. The next morning, I did just that. He first instructed me to a shortcut down some stairs to start the run, to which I replied, "I don't do shortcuts" and insisted on guidance to the whole route. He chuckled and said it was only a couple hundred yards difference, but to me it makes all the difference.
He warned me that the last areas on the route were a gradual uphill. That didn't seem to phase me and I imagined a gentle 2-3% incline.
Well the first mile or so was a steep downhill to a trail which butted up against a prehistoric lagoon adjacent to the Pacific. It was scenic, a little raw, and a little smelly. But we weren't in Pasadena anymore were we... It was beautiful and you can actually smell the air, rather than the smog.
As I finished the trail portion of the run I noticed on the map that it turned into a named street. I transitioned to asphalt and was immediately hit with my first hill. This hill didn't last long, but it was steep - more like 6-7%. I made a left at the top of this hill to be met with a sweeping bank into another hill -- steep. Next was a right turn at the top of this hill to another gradual hill -- steep again. This went on and on for the rest of the run and at one point I felt like I was on the the L'Alpe D'Huez of the Tour de France. It was awesome! A challenge and at the end I was exhilarated!
I repeated this run twice during our stay and will go back if only for this run.